5.3. Membership and Dividends

In LM, there is no threshold for membership, and the initial user can become an observation member of LM.

If the customer of the observing member contributes 100U of income to the platform, then the user will share 2% of the income, that is, 2U income as a reward.

Users can stake 1,000 LMT to mint one LMV. LMV is the membership certificate of LM, and it is also the value capture tool of the platform. Holding LMV can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Member Dividend: 30% of the LuckyMeta platform income dividend on the day.

  • DAO voting: When DAO conducts community governance, it must use the number of LMV to vote. 1 LMV represents 1 vote.

  • Member airdrops: The platform will airdrop NFT lottery tickets, partner limited-edition NFTs, and other digital assets and other membership benefits from time to time.

After the LMV is minted, it is the membership certificate of the platform and cannot be transferred. Redemption of LMV to obtain LMT requires a withdrawal fee. The calculation formula is as follows:

Define ["LMV amount * 1000" divided by "LMT circulation amount"] as the membership loyalty index, the higher the loyalty index, the lower the withdrawal fee:

  • When the loyalty index is greater than 0.5, more than 50% of the circulating LMT is mortgaged, and the withdrawal fee reaches the lower limit, 5%.

  • As the loyalty index decreases, the withdrawal fee increases gradually.

  • When the loyalty index is less than 0.1, less than 10% of the circulating LMT is mortgaged, and the withdrawal fee reaches the upper limit of 30%.

Members are divided into levels. For every 1,000 more LMTs pledged by users, they will be upgraded to a level, and different levels will have different permissions. Community members can intuitively judge the amount of LMT pledged by the member according to the membership level.

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