1.2. Technical Foundation

LM protects betting and gaming results through blockchain smart contracts, allowing anonymous users to bet in real-time. Smart contracts are used to process user deposits and verify results. Such contracts and their signatures are stored on the blockchain and can be analyzed and reviewed by anyone at any time to eliminate the possibility of fraud. Using anonymous accounts and advanced encryption assures the utmost privacy protection.

The platform's smart contracts are published on the L2 network and other high-speed networks (Polygon, BSC, etc..). This allows lightning-fast processing of user transactions with extremely low GAS fees.

LM runs on blockchain-based smart contracts including transaction processing and storage mechanisms, as well as a Finite-State Machine (FSM) for receiving and processing various smart contracts. Transaction storage and state processing are completed on the blockchain. The transaction storage mainly contains data that needs to be sent, with the event being the description of the data. After the transaction and event information are transferred to the smart contract, the resource status in the contract resource collection will be updated, which in turn triggers the smart contract to make finite-state machine judgments. If the trigger condition of one or several actions in the Finite-State Automaton (FSA) is met, the state machine selects the contract action to execute automatically according to the pre-set information.

LM chose the Ethereum side chain Polygon as the contract operation platform and basic technical facility. When the technical conditions are mature, we will also deploy LM to other blockchain networks such as BSC and Arbitrum.

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