3.7. Earning while Mining

NFT can benefit players in staking mining. The higher the level of NFT, the more obvious the bonus effect on mining revenue.

The player's NFT level, whether ordinary or rare, will boost NFT staking mining.

The player's rare guardian NFT will gain LMT liquidity mining and other liquidity pools; if the player's guardian NFT is an ordinary NFT, only the LMG farm can be boosted.

Similarly, we set the gain coefficient as A and the NFT level as L, then:


The definition of r is the same as the definition of r in 3.6 Guardian Bonus. The default value of r for ordinary NFTs is 1, and the default value of r for rare NFTs is 20.

A as the NFT gain coefficient of farm mining will directly affect the calculation formula of the player's computing power in the farm, which will be specifically described below.

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